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i-Ready Math:
Username & Password:  Go to or use the Clever App.
Login using QR code that was sent home.

I-ready Math

This app is a great way to help reinforce what is being taught in class.  The blue lessons on i-ready are teacher assigned, whereas the green lessons are assigned based on the diagnostic tests that are given 3 times a year. Based on the score, students will be given lessons that are supposed to meet them where they are and challenge them in places where they need growth.

30 minutes a week of reading and 30 minutes of math are required by the district.

Usernames & Password: A paper has been sent home with your student's information.  Feel free to e-mail for an extra copy to be sent home. 


This is a fun way for students to play math games on their level.  This is not a required program, and is used as a reward in class.

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